


Master a new mysterious power! Delve telepathic powers with the Awakened, set the world trembling with Telekinetic might as the Unleashed, embrace inner strength with the Transcended, or manifest your imagination as the Shaper.

Unlock Psionic powers. Combine Psionic powers. Explore your talents.



Witches. Shamans. Oracles. The lost traditions are out there… and they are here.

Explore Occult Rites and master your ancient Tradition. Wield new spells! Curse your foes or bind spirits to your call.

Dark secrets await.



Take to the field and crush your foes. Change the odds as a Tactician, or defy them as a Paragon. Ply your cunning as Packleader, or show your courage as a Chieftain.

Make your companions look competent. They’ll thank you later.



The original Kibbles’ class, also known as the Alternate Artificer unlocks the potential of what it means to be an Artificer.

Wield Thunder Cannons or wear Warplate! Adventure with your very own Golem or an endless supply of Gadgets. Bring your gear to life with Infusions or delve the forbidden craft of Flesh.

A spiritual successor to the first 5e Artificer, and so, so much more.


Take control of the battlefield with this primal powered front line character.

Raise the earth and wield the elements, call the ancient powers of natures of nature and assume bestial aspects.

The Warden protects the party and warps the battlefield to their command.


Blend martial and magic talent into a single peerless strike. A mobile offensive weapon based half arcane caster, the infuse their weapon with magic before unleashing it to devastating results.

Wield arcane powers to dazzle and destroy you foes, protect your allies, strike with lightning speed, or even unleash death from afar based on your chosen Tradition.

April Fools Content

Oath of the Goodest Boi

Smite Evil and Acquire Scritches as the Goodest Boi in all the realms!

Let the Bork of Justice ring out!


Crafting (Free Version)

Gather materials and forge them into useful items - a complete crafting system for 5e including Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Alchemy, and more.

FA Alchemist.jpg

Crafting(Full Version)

Delved even deeper depths. For just $3 unlock the full power of crafting system with even more crafting branches (like Tinkering and Engineering!)

active Martial Feats

Seize the initiative and spring into action with new Active Martial Feats that give powerful new actions in combat.

Generic Elemental Spells

All the spells the game forgot after making fire spells. Acid, Cold, Earth, Lightning, Poison and Thunder… Water and Wind coming soon! Free and Free to Use.

Kibbles’ Casting Compendium

All 289+ spells crafted by KibblesTasty, now available under the CC-BY license and part of the KRD. Also available on Foundry via Patreon or KCLL


Heroic Inspiration

Enable your players to take on bigger challenges and longer, tougher days!

Reinvent inspiration to something you’ll actually want to use.

Variant Rules & Modes

Variant Martial Progression

Give non-magical characters greater growth at high levels. Recommended only for groups that have significant issues with caster-martial disparity, which may arise differing from playstyles.


Compiled Homebrew List

Want even more options? Check out the Compiled Homebrew List for an easy to reference list of all classes and subclasses created by KibblesTasty, The Griffon’s Saddlebag, and Spectre Creations.

Kibbles’ Generic Subclasseses

Highly tested, straightforward content, made to fit all games.

*For items listed with (KCLL), the most up to date version is in the Kibbles’ Compendium of Legends and Legacies.

Kibbles’ Extended Subclasses

More specialized and exotic options crafted with care.

*For items listed with (KCLL), the most up to date version is in the Kibbles’ Compendium of Legends and Legacies.

Kibbles’ Odds and Unfinished Ends

These are worth considering if they look fun, but aren’t balanced and tested to the same precision:

Kibbles’ Compendium of
Craft and Creation

Options available in KCCC, themed around invention and psionsics (linked options have free versions).

  • Barbarian - Path of the Raging Mind (KCCC)

  • Bard - College of Thunder (KCCC)

  • Cleric - Mystery Cult (KCCC)

  • Druid - Circle of Nightmares (KCCC)

  • Fighter - Tech Knight (Old Version)

  • Monk - Way of the Soulblade (Old Version)

  • Paladin - Oath of Sanity (Old Version)

  • Ranger -Specialist (KCCC)

  • Ranger -Mind Hunter (KCCC)

  • Rogue - Gadgeteer (Old Version)

  • Sorcerer - Aether Heart Origin (KCCC)

  • Sorcerer - Planetouched (KCCC)

  • Warlock - The Ancient Intelligence (KCCC)

  • Warlock - That Which is Beyond (KCCC)

  • Wizard - Order of Creation (KCCC)

  • Wizard - Order of Mystery (KCCC)

*For items listed with (KCCC), the most up to date version is in the Kibbles’ Compendium of Craft and Creation.

Revised Options

This are revised versions of classic options.

Kibbles’ Class Extras

Kibbles’ Fantasy Race Options

  • Undead - Awakened Undead

  • Farling & Ironwrought are contained in KCCC (Kibbles’ Compendium of Craft and Creation)

FoundryVTT Modules (Free)

  • Generic Elemental Spells Manifest URL

Paid Modules

Any questions about what you can use my content for? Pretty much anything, but click Permissions & Usage for more details.

Silly Content

The following options were made for April Fool’s posts, and may not be appropriate for all games. They are functionally balanced and have been playtested (…a somewhat disturbing amount…) but are thematically a little silly.

Where to Find KibblesTasty!

Looking For More? Other great 5e HomEbrewers!